
Thursday, March 31, 2011

View From My Lap

As you can see, Max is the one who is on my lap most often.

"Mommy, mommy!  Look!"

"The sun came back out and it's warm outside and all the snow melted!  See?"

"And you were able to put your little seedlings back in the windowsill!  Does this mean it's truly Spring now?"

"It better be," says Runty.  "I need the sun to make me happeeeeeeeeeez!"

"I'm still cold, think I'll stay by the heat vent awhile longer," says Sisco.

Here's hoping the sun is shining where you are!  I hope-hope-hope all the snow and ice are truly gone this time and won't come back until the winter!

Monday, March 28, 2011

View From My Lap

As I was hanging out online, the following conversation took place on this dreary, dreary Monday:

Max, from my lap, says, "Mommy, when is Spring going to get here?"

"All I can see out the window is snow."


"When will the warm spring sun shine through the window for us to bask in?"

Sisco says, "Yes mommy, where is the sun?  I haven't seen it in so very long now!"

"And all of your little seedlings will need more than the lamp light soon!"

Ginger looks longingly at her tennis ball and says, "PLAY!?"

Leave it to the dog to put it all in perspective.......spring will be here soon, we hope.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dad Is Being Honored

My daddy won the Freedom Award!

Now, I know that to anyone not living in Kearney, Nebraska, that doesn't mean much.  But 'round these parts getting a Freedom Award is a HUGE deal.  Every year our fair city accepts nominations for people who have done outstanding work volunteering and contributing to the community and then winners are selected for various categories:  commerce, education, etc.  And this year, My Daddy won it in the Arts and Entertainment category.

My Dad is considered a local legend here.  A jazz musician all his life, he's entertained the masses in central Nebraska for the past 50 years.  Nightclubs, private parties, weddings, funerals, concerts, charity events, and everything else in between.  Other than being our own lil' celebrity though, he's lauded as one of the greatest, kindest men around; a real "salt of the earth" kinda guy.  He can't go anywhere in town (or the entire state) without running into someone who knows him and wants to stop and chat.

I'm so proud that he won this award, he truly deserves it.  And I can say that I had a little tiny hand in helping him do so.  Back in 2003, my old high school choir director, Mr. Wilson, asked me to help him write up a little bio on my Dad, as he wanted to nominate him for the Freedom Award that year.  He didn't win it that year, and Mr. Wilson let it go.  Fast forward to January 2011 and Mr. Wilson contacted me again saying he was going to try again, and could I write an updated bio to be handed in with the submission.  I also provided him with a list of prominent people in the city whom he could contact who would be more than glad to nominate my Dad as well.

Well, this time it worked and Dad was chosen in his category.  It's about time!  :)

If you click on the link above and read the newspaper article, Dad talks about being in the Air Force in 1951 and working up the courage one night (on his 20th birthday, no less) to ask the Air Force band director to give him a shot.  I actually have a photo that was taken of Dad singing with the band that first night (click to view larger):

That's him, looking shy and timid up on the balcony.  Here's a cropped closeup:

Two years ago I put together a slideshow of photos from his Florida years, set to a recording of him singing at a show that was recorded for a live radio broadcast.  If you're interested, take a peek at it!  You may not know my Dad, but you'll enjoy seeing the great 50's photos along with my Dad belting out a terrific rendition of "Old Black Magic."  


Thursday, March 10, 2011

There I go, changing things again!

I felt the need, once again, to change up some things on the bloggy here.  Tweak this, rearrange that, and give it a fresh new paint job. 

Oh yeah, and a new name.  Whatcha think?  "Snickerdoodle" is one of my dog's new nicknames (because one can never have enough nicknames for one's pets) and I thought to myself last night, "That would make a terrific blog name!"

So I'm rollin' with it.

I like the fresh spring-y-ness of the green color scheme too.  Now if only the snow would melt!  Come on, Spring!!!